Last night, he reached the ultimate big boy-ness...
Bunk Beds!!
These beds were given to us a couple of years ago by the Manners, and I always figured that the time was coming where we would set them up, he would want to sleep on the top bunk, and I would worry endlessly that he would fall out and break his arm...well that night was last night. Morning came, limbs were intact, overall it was a success...EXCEPT a little bit of my little boy left and replaced itself with a big boy...
I know it's happening and there is nothing I can do about it. I can't ignore the fact he is growing up...I mean I just had to buy the kid 5T clothes! Maybe God will answer my prayer and allow God to stop time, but for now, I treasure the times he holds my hand in the parking lot, asks me to sleep in his bed, dances to "Honey I'm Good" with me (yes, we do that...no, I'm not ashamed!), and is just silly with me.
Here's how you can pray for George:
He starts school again soon, a new school. Pray for the transition and for friends.
He also starts Awana again soon. He loves Cubbies and learning Bible stories. Pray that this would continue.
Last he starts soccer soon (Daddy will be his coach). Pray for the opportunity Tom has to minister to these "5 Boys" as George calls them (the U-5 team) and pray for George with his teammates.
There's no reason to be ashamed of dancing to "honey I'm good"!!